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Pumpkins 1 and Oranges -20 kg

certificado ecologico certificado ecologico hoja

Pumpkins 1 and Oranges -20 kg

This box contains: Organic Pumpkins 1 and Oranges. Fruits in the Valencian selected at their point of maturation, Sweet, Fresh and Natural, try them out!!

VAT included

Organic Pumpkins and Oranges

This box contains: 1 Bio-Pumpkins, and up to 20 kg Oranges

Organic Pumpkins

In the kitchen you can use in different ways, especially in baking: Pumpkin Cake, Custard, pumpkin, Waffles Pumpkin (typical of Valencia in Fallas) etc

My advice to you is in the Oven.

Organic Oranges

Our Oranges are characterized by an intense aroma, the best quality and freshness. You get authentic Orange Valenciennes, ripened on the tree to the sun.
When you make the order, we go to our field of orange trees to select the best oranges in their perfect maturity and enviártelas immediately after harvesting.
We cultivate different types of Oranges with different ripening times, we can always offer you the best Oranges, sweet and juicy during the entire season, from November to July.
The season starts with the orange Navelina, then Navel-lane-late and the last variety of the Valencia orange-beats.
Biologisch erzeugte Nahrungsmittel sind nicht nur aromatischer, sondern auch gesünder und sicherer. Gesünder, weil im gesamten Anbau weder chemische Düngemittel noch Herbizide, Hormone oder gentechnisch veränderte Organismen zum Einsatz kommen. Und sicherer, weil die gesamte Produktion von einer offiziellen Behörde beaufsichtigt wird. Unser Biobetrieb wird von der Kontrollstelle für Ökologischen Landbau der Valencianischen Gemeinschaft (CAECV) überwacht und ist unter der Nummer CV5815 E zertifiziert.
1 Calabaza y Naranjas Bio
Certificado ecológico
Icono Bio
Hoja BIO
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