Persimmons, Apples and - 5 kg

    • V-neck Bright Red Apples and Fuji Green - 5 kg
    • V-neck Bright Red Apples and Fuji Green - 5 kg
    certificado ecologico certificado ecologico hoja

    Persimmons, Apples and - 5 kg

    This box contains: Organic Persimmons and Organic Apples. Fruits in the Valencian selected at their point of maturation, Sweet, Fresh and Natural, try them !!

    VAT included
    Last items in stock

    Organic Fruits: Persimmons, and Apples 

    This box contains: 5 kg Organic Persimmons, Organic Apples

    Organic Persimmons 

    Our Persimmons Organic Ribera del Xúquer, is recognized as Protected Designation of Origin, as this area is ideal for its climate and soil for this crop. The variety "Bright Red" has some very special characteristics, it is a fruit very sweet, with a pulp very fleshy, orange or reddish.

    Produce organic products supposed to use nature without breaking its biological cycle, to extract from the earth what the earth is able to give and without sobreexplotarla with the use of polluting substances.
    Food from organic production are more healthy, safe, and healthy. Are healthy by the production method where do not utilize chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides, no hormones, no genetically modified organisms

    Organic Apples

     red apples and pale in color. Provides several different nutrients that are important for health, such as vitamin C. Add an apple Fuji a day really can keep them away from your doctor.
    The apple peel contains quercetin, a flavonoid with functions antidiabetic, antioxidants and fiber.
    The skin also contains acid ursólico, which is very positive for the muscle mass.
    Provides several different nutrients that are important for health, such as vitamin C.
    Add an apple a day really can keep them away from your doctor.
    Note: we invite You to add to your order other products from other categories (such as olive oil, honey, jam, etc).
    2 frut, Kakis y Manzanas
    Certificado ecológico
    Icono Bio
    Hoja BIO
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