Khakis dry Hoshigaki

    • Kaki dry Hoshigaki Eco-friendly 170 - 180 g-4 fruits
    certificado ecologico certificado ecologico hoja

    Khakis dry Hoshigaki

    Organic Khakis dry Hoshigaki. Khakis dried with the Hoshigaki method, a completely traditional Japanese tradition. The Hoshigaki persimmon drying system is very popular in Japan, with this method you get a new way to enjoy the flavor of the persimmon all year round.

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    Organic Khakis dry Hoshigaki, Buy Hoshigaki directly from the producer

    Dried kakis of the bright red variety, dried with the Hoshigaki method, a Japanese tradition, made in the Mediterranean, by our farmer friend.
    The Hoshigaki persimmon drying system is very popular in Japan, with this method a new way of enjoying the flavor of the persimmon throughout the year is obtained.
    Hoshigaki is a whole dried persimmon without the skin, unlike oven-dried or dehydrated persimmon, this technique allows obtaining a high-quality tender persimmon, considered by the great chefs as a delicatessen.

    The persimmon is harvested when it reaches the optimum degree of maturation, leaving the stem a little long to be able to tie it and hang it on a stick, then they are peeled, after a week they begin to be massaged by hand, finally they are dried in the sun for 4 to 6 weeks , in our area we have an ideal climate since it is humid this helps them to dry slowly. With this method we get a delicate and exquisite bite.

    Energy (1) 1217 KJ/100g PE-Q273

    Energy (1) 288 Kcal/100g PE-Q273

    Moisture (1) 19.8 % PEQ002

    Crude protein (1) <2.0 % PEQ003

    Crude fat (1) <0.5 % PE-Q004

    Ash (1) 2,8 % PEQ006

    Carbohydrate by difference (1) 66.4 % PEQ-273

    Total sugars (1) 20.0 % PEQ073

    Salt (from sodium) (1 ) 0,06 % PEI450

    Sodium (1) 0.02 % PEI450

    Total dietary fibre (1) 11.0 % PE-Q052

    Saturated fatty acids (1) <0.02 % PEI12011

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (1) <0.01 % PEI12011

    Monounsaturated fatty acids (1) <0.01 % PEI12011

    Trans fatty acids (1)

    Trans-oleic fatty acids (1) <0.02 % PEI12011

    Translinoleic+trans-linolenic fatty acids <0.02 % PEI12011

    *Organic Agriculture, control code: ES-ECO-020-CV

    Hoshigaki Bio
    Certificado ecológico
    Icono Bio
    Hoja BIO
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