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Bouquet of Laurel Leaves Bio fresh

  • Bouquet garni of Bay Leaves fresh. (eco-friendly)
Bouquet garni of Bay Leaves fresh. (eco-friendly)
certificado ecologico certificado ecologico hoja

Bouquet of Laurel Leaves Bio fresh

Organic Bouquet of Laurel Leaves fresh. Bay leaf freshly picked from our garden eco-friendly. fresh and very aromatic. Special for cooking to give a special touch to your dishes.

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Organic Bouquet garni of Bay Leaves

Buy bay leaves directly from the producer

Bay leaf freshly picked from our garden eco-friendly. fresh and very aromatic. Special for cooking to give a special touch to your dishes.

The laurel its main property: to facilitate the digestion, thanks to these components, cineol, and eugenol, as well as prevent heartburn and reduce the gas present in the digestive tract, and so much inconvenience caused.
These same active principles also have the property of improving and stimulating the appetite so that, in certain treatments of herbal remedies designed for people who need to gain weight, it is recommended that infusions of laurel before the main meals.
In addition to this, the laurel has effects bactericidal, antiseptic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory so it is recommended for diseases of the respiratory apparatus such as, for example, influenza, pharyngitis, or bronchitis.
ecological agriculture, control code: ES-ECO-020-CV
Hojas de laurel Bio
Certificado ecológico
Icono Bio
Hoja BIO
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