Pomegranates for juice, from Valencia.

    • Pomegranate Fresh juice 5 kg (acco)
    • Pomegranate Fresh juice 5 kg (acco)
    • Pomegranate Fresh juice 5 kg (acco)
    certificado ecologico certificado ecologico hoja

    Pomegranates for juice, from Valencia.

    Pomegranates. Organic Pomegranates Valencian selected at their point of maturation Sweet, Fresh and Natural, try them out!!

    VAT included
    Product available with different options

    Organic Grenades, without 

    Organic Pomegranates to juice
    Grenades valencian natural, ripened on the tree to the sun and not treated after harvest.
    As in all of the beauty is not in the outside, even in the Grenades, not always the size, shape, color, sometimes have a spot of sun or wind, but that certainly does not make them a Grenade bad, in fact we know that what really matters, is what we find in the interior. to make juice are like mind candy and delicious
    The grenades variety is sweet and deep red in color, we grow them in the area of the bank,
    To remove your pimples, cut it in half and hit it with a mallet slightly by the part of the shell..
    Another easy way to consume it is by squeezing the juice of the pomegranate is deep red, has a great antioxidant power and a multitude of medicinal properties.
    It helps us to slow down the process of aging and maintain healthy skin, promotes blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.
    Organically produced food is healthier, safer and healthier. They are healthy because of the production method in which neither chemical fertilizers, nor pesticides, nor herbicides, nor hormones, nor genetically modified organisms are used.
    But they are also safer because this entire production method is endorsed by an official body that controls it. Our organic production is controlled by the COMITÉ D'AGRICULTURA ECOLÓGICA DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA (CAECV) nº CV5815E
    Note: we invite You to add to your order other products from other categories (such as olive oil, honey, jam, etc).
    Granadas Zumo Bio
    Certificado ecológico
    Icono Bio
    Hoja BIO
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