Oranges and Tangerines, (Organic)
This box contains: 7 kg of Orange juice and 3 kg of Tangerines.
Organic Oranges
Our oranges we grow to Quieronaranjas on the bank of the river JΓΊcar, is the first area in Valencia where he began to cultivate oranges, since it has a special climate for its cultivation, with the mild winters, are characterized by the aroma, the quality and the freshness of a fruit newly harvested.
We cultivate different varieties of oranges that mature at different dates,
The season begins around November with Orange Navelina, up to approx. February we started to collect the Oranges: Navel-Lane-Late and we ended up with the orange more late variety Valencia Late.
The Oranges gives us all the vitamin C that you need each day. In addition to possessing large antioxidant properties, protect against infections, is rich in fiber, thiamin, and folic acid.
Organic Tangerines
Our tangerines we grow them in the traditional way, to retain all the qualities we cultivate for Quieronaranjas, in the area of la ribera alta Valencia that thanks to the climate and to the magnificent earth has perfect conditions for the cultivation of Mandarin oranges, which stand out for their fresh aroma and the highest quality, being freshly picked from the tree in their optimum point of maturation .we collect only when we have an order to have the maximum freshness..
We cultivate different varieties of Tangerines that mature on different dates, and so we can always provide you with Mandarin oranges of the best quality, sweet and juicy during the entire season, from September to June.
Due to its small size, its thin skin and sweet taste, makes it one of the favorite fruits of the little ones, their segments can be separated from the skin very comfortably. Thanks to its nutritional properties tangerines are beneficial for all over the world, among other contains Vitamin C, folic acid and pro-vitamin A.
Note: we invite You to add to your order other products from other categories (such as olive oil, honey, jam, etc).