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Comuna, Aromatic Mandarins, from Valencia.

This box includes: 1 kg Tangerines Valencian Commune are genuinely sweet, Fresh and juicy product. You won’t regret, Try them!
Tangerine Commune with seeds
This variety of mandarins can be soft to the touch.
In the 60's it was the first and only variety of mandarin Comune, (with seeds) that was commercialised in Valencia, the Comuna mandarin has a very aromatic skin, an unforgettable aroma, it reminds those of us who knew it of our childhood.
Years later emerged varieties of seedless mandarins, the mandarin commune to have seeds was no longer commercial, it stopped growing and is almost extinct, in Quieronaranjas we recovered this mandarin commune thanks to a centenary tree that we have, due to demand, we are expanding production.
Dare to try it and you will see what good sensations and how it reminds you of flavours from another era, the skin is used for flavouring.