Tangerines 3 kg, Khakis 2 kg from Valence - 5 Kg

    • Tangerines, 7 kg, V-neck 3 kg (10 Kg)
    certificado ecologico certificado ecologico hoja

    Tangerines 3 kg, Khakis 2 kg from Valence - 5 Kg

    This box contains : 3 kg Organic Tangerines and 2 kg Organic Khakis. Valencian are genuinely sweet, Fresh and juicy product. You won’t regret, Try them!

    VAT included

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    Organic Tangerines

    Would you like to try them? Our Mandarins have a rich flavour, excellent quality and freshness. We grow different types of Oranges with different ripening times, so we can always offer you the best sweet and juicy Oranges throughout the season - from November to July - from September to June. The season begins with the Oronules, then the Clemenules, followed by the Clemenvillas, and finally the Orri Mandarins.

    All of our citrus fruits are naturally sun-ripened on the tree and are not treated after harvesting. When your make the order through our website we start harvesting. We are always making sure that We are picking up the perfect fruit and then after that We send them to your house the same day.

    Organic Kaki

    Our sun-ripened kakis taste wonderfully sweet and aromatic and have a firm, orange to reddish flesh. They are very easy to eat, as they have neither stones nor seeds and can be eaten with or without a shell, just like apples. They are a pleasure in the still solid state as well as in the soft, fully ripe state: then you can simply spoon the pulp like a kiwi out of the shell. The versatile fruits can also be used very well in the kitchen and are an enrichment for various dishes such as desserts, ice cream, tartes, smoothies or salads.

    Kakis are a healthy source of energy and contain many vitamins, trace elements and phytochemicals such as carotenoids, which have a positive effect on health and well-being.

    We cultivate kakis of the variety "Rojo Brillante", which are sometimes called "Persimone". Alzira, where we live, is the capital of the Ribera del Xúquer region, the largest Spanish region for kakis. This region offers ideal climate and soil conditions for kaki production and is entitled to use the protected designation of origin "g.U. Ribera del Xúquer ". The kaki season starts in October and ends between February and March.

    But they are also safer because this entire production method is endorsed by an official body that controls it. Our organic production is controlled by the COMITÉ D'AGRICULTURA ECOLÓGICA DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA (CAECV) nº CV5815E


    2 frut, Mandarinas 3 y Kakis 2 Bio
    Certificado ecológico

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